Not all bra fittings are made equal! Sometimes, when customers head to a lingerie store, they may find that the process is just plain bad. If customers notice any of the following telltale signs, then you may need to pay some more attention to your bespoke fittings.
1. The booking system is impossible to understand
You’ve looked online. You’re tried calling the store. You’ve even poked your head into the boutique and asked around. And yet, it seems that no one has a clue how you should book yourself a bra fitting. It’s a mystery. The best you get out of the sales staff is that you need to just come into the store and wait until someone is ready.
When lingerie stores offer bra fittings as a service, they should go above and beyond to make it easy to book one. People are not mind-readers. There’s no way you could know how to book your appointment without being told. Nightmare.
2. The store staff are less than friendly
There’s nothing worse than unfriendly staff. When you’re heading to the store to get fitted, you want to feel as though the entire experience is comfortable. Being greeted by a snooty woman who doesn’t want to give you the time of day is less than that. It’s zero fun. When the staff in a certain boutique are rude, you might want to take it as a sign that this place is so not for you. Do yourself a favor and just leave!
3. You feel rushed like they don’t have time for you
“Yes, yes!” the staff member says, “Sandra will be with you in a minute. She can squeeze you in… It won’t take a second!” If you feel as though you’re being rushed and the store staff members don’t have any time to help you, that’s a terrible sign.
If it’s clear that the staff don’t have the time to get you measured, you might want to go elsewhere. Should they rush the process, you may end up with the wrong size or a style that just does not flatter you. You want to make sure that the fitting is in-depth and you find out all you need to know. It’s that simple.
4. The bra fitter fails to ask you anything
Once you’re in the changing room with a professional fitter, she should ask you some all-important questions. She may want to know why you’re getting fitted, how your current bras fit you, and what style of bra you’re looking for right now. These questions should help her to figure out just what you need and support you in making the right choice.
If the fitter asks you nothing at all, that could be a rather major problem. It means that either she is not trained properly or she just plain does not care. Either way, she’s unlikely to do a good enough job of helping you.
5. They are rude and a little short with you
You are the customer here and the customer is always right. If the fitter starts being rude or short with you, you might want to leave and never come back. While everyone gets stressed out at work, the last thing that a staff member should do is take it out on you.
Don’t just take it! Remember that you have rights and you don’t deserve to be treated badly. What’s more, you have the right to take your business elsewhere!
6. The fitting is much quicker than you expected
Generally, the average bra fitting will take around 20-30 minutes. That includes trying on a range of styles, looking for bras that suit you and talking about what you need. If your fitting takes five minutes flat, that’s a problem. That is a bad bra fitting.
You deserve better. You shouldn’t feel as though the process was rushed for any reason. Booking online or even calling up to make an appointment means that you should get the best possible fitting. When you’ve been properly scheduled in, you can be almost certain that the fitting will be thorough and that you’ll get the right bra. Phew.
7. They don’t ask whether the bra is comfortable
And now, for the number one question that your bra fitter should be asking you: “Is that comfortable?” Sure, they can see a lot from looking at how the bra fits, but they are not you. When you try on a bra, you should be given the chance to tell your fitter whether it’s right or not. Should they fail to even ask you this basic thing, it means that they are not doing their job properly. Whoops!
8. The measurements are wrong!
Of course, the main sign that your bra fitting was bad is that the size is just wrong! If you walk out of the store feeling as uncomfortable as you were when you went in, you’ve just wasted your time. You go to get fitted for a reason – you want a bra that feels right and looks incredible. When you don’t get that, it can be a real disappoint and you needn’t go back to the same place again.
Needless to say, getting your bra fitted should be an enjoyable, relaxing experience. You should find out what size you are, what style is right for you, and have a chance to look at some options. If all of the above doesn’t happen, you may be in the wrong store. Head to a quality lingerie boutique where you will get no less than the best service. Nice!
Source: Parfait.com